Materi bahasa inggris ''We must obey the rules''

Written By Bangli Era Baru on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | 10:54 PM


Please read the dialogues below!

Making Passport If we want to go abroad for a holiday or study, we must have a passport. It is an official document that allows us to enter another country legally. There is a procedure we must follow when making passport. First, we must have an identity card and letter of recommendation from the head of local sub-district. For children under seventeen years old, they are included in their parents’ letter of recommendation. Then, we must go to the immigration office. There, we must fill the form of passport application. Next, the immigration officer will interview us and take our photo for the passport document. Finally, we must sign and fingerprint our passport.

After reading the text above, can you identify what words are used to indicate obligation? Obligation is an expression that we use when we want to state something that necessary to do, such as rules or duty. There is a consequence when we don’t do the obligation, like we get a punishment. The verbs that indicate obligation are: “must” and “mustn’t/ must not”

Read the following text. Then, answer the questions based on the information from the text! In the end of December 2019, contagious respiratory disease spread in Wuhan, China and infected many people there. Later, we know this contagious respiratory disease as Novel Corona Virus Disease 2019 or COVID-19. Recently, COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. It is because the virus has infected millions people in many countries around the world, including Indonesia. Many people must do their activities such as working, teaching, studying and even praying from home to avoid the spread of this virus. Let me tell you simple things we can do to protect ourselves from COVID-19:

1) We must wash our hands regularly. Our hand is a place where virus easy to live because we touch many things every day. We must wash our hands for 20 seconds with soap in running water. By washing hands with soap, virus will be washed away.

2) We must not go out without wearing a mask. When we wear a mask, we can prevent the virus enter our body through droplets.

3) We must do a physical distancing. Physical distancing means we must stay away from crowd and must not do a close contact with many people. We also stay at home during this pandemic. It's because the virus can spread from person to person easily.

 4) We must do exercise. To keep ourselves healthy at home, we need to do exercise. We can do simple exercise at home, like push-up, sit-up, aerobic or yoga.

5) We must eat healthy foods. Beside doing exercise, we also must eat enough vegetables and fruits to keep our body healthy.

6) We must feel happy to keep our immune and stay healthy. So everyone, let's do these little but powerful things to break the chain of COVID-19 transmission.


 1) When did COVID-19 firstly spread?

2) What kind of disease is COVID-19?

3) Why COVID-19 become global pandemic?

4) Can we protect ourselves from COVID-19?

5) Why must we wash our hand regularly?

6) Can we go outside without wearing mask during COVID-19 pandemic?

7) What is physical distancing?

8) What must we do to keep ourselves healthy at home?

9) Why must we feel happy during COVID-19 pandemic?

10) Must we feel afraid of COVID-19?

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